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Interview With The Vampire Season 2 Teases Lestats Devious Return

"Interview with the Vampire" Season 2 Teases Lestat's Devious Return

Sam Reid Hints at Intriguing New Season

Anne Rice's Legendary Vampire Returns for Spine-Tingling Sequel

In a highly anticipated announcement, Sam Reid has teased the electrifying return of Lestat, the enigmatic vampire from Anne Rice's iconic novel, in the upcoming second season of AMC's "Interview with the Vampire."

The trailer, released by series creator Rolin Jones, offers a spine-tingling glimpse into the new season, showcasing Lestat's continued manipulative and villainous nature. Despite Louis's (Jacob Anderson) attempts to scrutinize his storytelling, Lestat remains an enigmatic figure, driving the plot forward with his sinister charm.

As Lestat struggles with the limitations of his existence as a Black man in 1900s New Orleans, he finds solace in the magnetic charisma of Jacob Anderson's Louis. However, in the second season, Lestat comes face-to-face with a formidable challenge that threatens his power and reign.
